Sunday 4 October 2015

Do Operatation Math Using Jquery

Hello long time no making tutorial about coding stuff cause i'm in bad mood condition i don't know it came every week, i have been developing projects inventory and i think this is the hard things for me as long as become programmers, so let check this out la

here is the demo

so let me declare one by one
$(document).on('change keyup blur','.all,.rusak',function(){
//due amount calculation
function calculateAmountDue(){
var  all = $('.all').val();
var rusak = $('.rusak').val(); 
var tersedia = all-rusak;

$(document).on('change keyup blur','.all,.rusak',function(){ calculateAmountDue(); });
This mean when input type has change or while typing text jquery do some command or execute some function, and the funtion do operation math, hope you understand what i mean ! Thanks for visiting me Salam Lappet

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