Tuesday 28 July 2015

CI and Laravel Married

Many programmers out there talk about LA between CI, compoare both of it but ever you think laravel and codeignter will married, the looks like their child like this


LOL, thanks for visiting me !

Monday 27 July 2015

Backup Database Using Codeigniter

Hi how are you ? hope fully fine.

Sometime when you developing website then it need to be back up database no matter if your client knows how to backup from cpanel but if they don't know you need to make some function on it !

Here is my href menu

  • ">Back up Database
  • by looking controller we know why it will be, then here is my controller

    public function backup()
      $prefs = array(     
                    'format'      => 'zip',             
                    'filename'    => 'my_db_backup.sql'
      $backup =& $this->dbutil->backup($prefs); 
      $db_name = 'backup-on-'. date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") .'.zip';
            $save = 'pathtobkfolder/'.$db_name;
            write_file($save, $backup); 
            force_download($db_name, $backup);

    and click then menu then system will export database in zip file inside it you get ekstensiton .sql

    Share it if this help you, Thanks for visiting me !

    Happy Coding

    Tuesday 14 July 2015

    Tutorial Instal LARAVEL via COMPOSER in Windows

    Hi this is my first tutorial about LARAVEL, honestly i'm not moving on ! Only approach and prepare for next projects if the requirements to use LARAVEL !

    Oke the hard things for people new at laravel is instal composer and know the command it, i do agree if the first time people learn LARAVEL said "LARAVEL IS SUCKS" cause composer it self, but believe me it just another fun to code PHP !

    so here is easy step to install it, the images bellow

    then here is composer command

    Wait till all download finish then you will get folder inside htdocs with name laravel, and after finish open your browser with localhost/laravel and you will see like this

    Thanks for visitng me guys, happy IED MUBARAK :D

    Monday 13 July 2015

    Tutorial make Search and Pagging in DataTables in the right

    Hello i hope you are doing great to night cause few days again will be celebrate IED mubarak, yey time to go home :D

     Oke i have some short tutorial about data tables, this plugin has greate feature search and pagging auto without to much code, only some setting but i'm not going tell about setting in your project !

    well to the point without wasting time, here i need to make my data tables has some position

    1. Pagging in the bottom right
    2. Search inthe top right
    i have asked question in forum datatables most of suggestion learn about DOM datatables but it make me heck :v with poor skill css and google always beside me, I'm Lucky boy !

    here is the css to make pagging adn search in the right 

    Thanks for visiting me, if you have simply code or have another tecnic be nice to comment bellow, Good night

    Friday 10 July 2015

    How to set height and Witdh and Height in codeignter before upload

    Hem after lunch feel boring so idecide to share what i had to share, Code ignter  yes i would share about it !

    Codeignter has configure about upload images
    Buth for me it need some add up, i have to set only images witdh 900px and height 900px allow to uploaded, many way to solved this but i prefer use php itself, check this out !

    Thanks for visiting me !

    Tuesday 7 July 2015

    Tutorial Upload images also send to email using codeignter

    Before go to the topic, let me declare what you need to know about this !
    1. This need email to configure in your codeignter so we don't send email with pure codeignter still need another email such as gmail, etc !
    2. It just simple form upload images and one input type text if you are familiar about this  good luck !
    So let create email.php put inside application/config/email.php so here is email.php

    Then create database up tou you and don't forget to create simple table

    then here is controller
    here is my model and here is my view Just remind you about this issue, you should create folder to and i give it name folder email just to make you easy understand and you need to setting all configuration autoload in codeignter such url, form, etc to make it working ! Thanks visiting me :D

    Monday 6 July 2015

    How to remove tag

    inside paragraph

    Hi it short tutorial for me, when you build some CMS let say only input article and upload images, and you need to customize it in front end by using css but inside table there is tag
    , what you should do if the case should make blocknote or H1 so you need to remove tag
    So here is my simple script remove tag
    Hope you understand :D

    Sunday 5 July 2015

    Tutorial make modal has scroll using bootsrap

    Hi i will give simple tutorial about modal in bootsrap has scroll, Sometime we need a modify our template! Such as giving list to users, i'm trying to make diffrent things about, So check this out http://codepen.io/anon/pen/oXEKNg Feel free to comment or just say hai Freddy

    Friday 3 July 2015

    Making style newspaper using HTML & Javascript Responsive

    Hi again, are you fine bro ! Of courselah already finish fasting then time to kill every food

    Oke, let me discussion about what make me stilll up in the night, guess what !

    Girl, No !

    It's Responsive Design when you need to make your website working well means all device can  access no matter what that's image or function javascript !

    last month and this month i have issue that make me night mare ! look title above  and here dummy html need

    Then start gooling with many keyword then i found css3 multi column then i start coding after final my html and css take coffe feel proud cause i'm success but there is something wrong, WTF CSS3 Multi columns is not good reading for human !

    CSS3 MULTI COLUMNS give user read LEFT TO RIGHT not LEFT UNTIL FINISH THEN RIGHT, is it human reading or not cause i have ussual to read like that 

    So i leave the css3 multi coloumns then strat googling with js column many plugin avaiable but hard to customize then i tested one by one and got nice plugin here is plugin, they give good reading for human habit.

    I will not tell how to customize cause in that website already has complete documentation, really !

    But take breathe first or stretching cause you will big issue after you successfully make template !

    take a look the title about making Responsive Template, but first take look here  bassic setting, i will teach you how to use it to be responsive  use this function javascript

    look first if to make condition if screen 620px auto will give 1 col, here is mine

    Oke i think enough for today, feel free to comment below or just say hai { Only for girl :v }

    Wednesday 1 July 2015

    Click Scroll to Specification Div With Fixed Navbar in Bootsrap has Header

    Hi how are you guys ! hope you fine especially for my friend muslim cause fasting already finish (Maksdunya Buka :v

    Well this afternoon i will give short tutorial about title above, Hope you understand what title does mean!

    when you have dummy html has effect scroll to div then you searching in googling found many plugin match after that you feel it's not good one cause every plugin when you customize with your dummy is not easy ! 

    I thought link above the best way for me but tested 3 times make me heck the documentation is not complete then i leave it.

    Then i googling and i think i'm lucky i found this link http://jquery-plugins.net/tag/sticky-scroll but after 5 minutes it kill me slowly to much plugin testing and tested one by one so i leave them

    so i feel lucky i found this plugin http://www.outyear.co.uk/smint/ Easy to setting you only need make simple template has header, navbar and content div so here is give simple template i used

    Code above not working becase there is active link which is not scroll some one have already make issue to author in github but not answering https://github.com/rabmyself/smint/issues/7 then after chat in twitter with the author the solutions is put external links in the end !

    So this is my simple demo to make sense http://codepen.io/anon/pen/doJEBr Hope this tutorial help you, Please be free to disscuss another issue about it !

    You can download file at here 

    Thans for visiting me !