Monday 13 July 2015

Tutorial make Search and Pagging in DataTables in the right

Hello i hope you are doing great to night cause few days again will be celebrate IED mubarak, yey time to go home :D

 Oke i have some short tutorial about data tables, this plugin has greate feature search and pagging auto without to much code, only some setting but i'm not going tell about setting in your project !

well to the point without wasting time, here i need to make my data tables has some position

  1. Pagging in the bottom right
  2. Search inthe top right
i have asked question in forum datatables most of suggestion learn about DOM datatables but it make me heck :v with poor skill css and google always beside me, I'm Lucky boy !

here is the css to make pagging adn search in the right 

Thanks for visiting me, if you have simply code or have another tecnic be nice to comment bellow, Good night

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