Sunday 7 February 2016

Every Messangger has Their Role to Make it Become Fun for Users and Company

This is a free day "Gong Xi fat Cai" china people celebrate their happy new year, so i have free time to enjoy coffe and chating in the inet. today i'm going to write something not usefull for people but for me it worth it !

Well as single man i try as much as i can to approach the girl, by register dating online, install apps, etc ! but i'm not going talk about my sh*t, but analysis how compnay of messangger it self do their bussiness.

in 2010 facebook become familiar around the world, in television talk about facebook, school, public area, so facebook strat every apps come up with theology facebook "Connect every one around the World"

 by Mark Idea people who work and love technology do similiar but with little modification, if facebook should connect by laptop in the first time then came with application in mobile, another messsangger came with their style.

1. Whatsapp

The reason why i put whatsapp in the first place cause whatsapp there are no advertisement or spam which is annoyed people who used.

 yes i'm new in whatsapp about a month might be but after use it, i have life with flat but no too flat cause it will not give you addiction, i don't know why their programmer don't  create wall where is people status can see, put comment, liking or dislike. 

as long as become whatshapper i'm not trying to be familiar cause i already did, LOL. here is what i like in whatsapp 

i never put status like "Hey dude my coding working as well, can i get more coffe or send the girl for me" to attractive people to comment, like.

i never change profile picture with short time like in bbm with caption.

2. Line

Oh this is a worse messangger for me, there are multiple noticiation in this apps, people can invite you by random, there are sucks advertisement every minute if you have already friends,

 it give you addiction to comment, put status, like without your awareness you have already wasting time. and yes line giving a configuration of it but how people to read user guide and follow it, how many % users will spending time to configure it it might be 10-30% if line hired me i will disscuss it to research, disscuss how line become better without remove comfortable from users and get more benefit. 

Well i just compare those messangger cause in indonesia the most messangger use it even snapchat on the flying, 

Thanks for reading my article which is not usefull for you, happy chines new year lah. by the way my whatsapp 085664257224

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